Published inTDS ArchiveTransfer Learning and RNN — the CoreNLP Series pt IIIThis post aims at testing the ability of CoreNLP pre-trained RNN to make predictions on different domains.Jan 1, 2021Jan 1, 2021
Published inTDS ArchiveSentence Embeddings and CoreNLP’s Recursive Sentiment ModelUnderstand and implement CoreNLP’s sentiment model.Oct 1, 2020Oct 1, 2020
Published inTDS ArchiveIntro to Stanford’s CoreNLP for PythonersInstall, get started and integrate coreNLP Java scripts in your Python project.Sep 2, 2020Sep 2, 2020
Build Mobile App for triggering subprocess on Raspberry PiTutorial on how to build a simple Kivy app from which to trigger a subprocess on the Raspberry Pi using an ssh command.May 15, 20202May 15, 20202
Published inThe StartupRaspberry Pi 3: connect to multiple WiFis & set multiple Static IPsLittle tutorial on how to set multiple static IPs on Raspberry Pi 3.Apr 19, 20203Apr 19, 20203
Raspberry Pi headless setup with MacI recently got a beautiful Raspberry Pi 3 as a gift, and yesterday I finally decided to set it up. Initially, this looked more challenging…Apr 13, 2020Apr 13, 2020